Issues identified for considerationA major issue at present is the problem created
by the parking outside the school, which causes frustration and delays at peak
times, as well as road safety concerns. Check that the Somerset parking guidelines
reflect the realities of car ownership levels, so that there is sufficient
off-road car parking with new development (as there are few opportunities for
cars to park safely on existing roads due to their width).
Identify and where opportunities arise create
new safe routes for walkers, cyclists and horse riders – particularly linking
to the various community facilities and utilising the public rights of way
network as far as possible. The
maintenance of these routes falls outside the scope of this plan Ensure those without access to a car can access public transport – whilst this neighbourhood plan cannot guarantee the provision of services, it can consider where the bus routes currently run and the provision of bus shelters at the stops. Areas identified for potential inclusion in the neighbourhood plan, subject to resources and community support: |