North Cadbury and Yarlington Neighbourhood Development Plan


Issues identified for consideration

Protect the green spaces that are valued by local residents – there are a number of spaces that may qualify for Local Green Space designation, such as the village playing fields, cemetery and allotments.  Of equal importance is the public rights of way network which provides opportunities for recreational walks (including circular routes) in the countryside.

Create new green spaces for wildlife and recreation – there have previously been requests for an all-weather sports pitch, and facilities for teenagers.  There is also likely to be a need for a new cemetery as the existing one is near capacity.

Protect existing historic trees (some of which may lie outside the Conservation Areas and may need to be identified) and also support the planting of further trees as part of any development, given their wildlife and climate benefits and how trees can soften the visual impact of development given the rural character of the area.

Protect high grade agricultural land (in line with national policy). 

Protect people, property and roads from flooding (highlighting any local knowledge of flooding which may not be clear from the flood risk maps). 

Maintain the current good air quality and low levels of pollution – recognising the dark night skies and general tranquillity of the area (away from the A 303).

Make a positive contribution to reducing the rate of climate change by promoting and supporting sustainable energy initiatives (integrated with new buildings).  

Areas identified for potential inclusion in the neighbourhood plan, subject to resources and community support: 

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Last updated 13th October 2022